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New History

What is the meaning of news?

The news means Human activity which helps the reader to show information and interest which reader finds. When humans do anything an activity generates physical or emotional This is News. 

Meaning of News

News is a real, compact, and accurate report of the occasion. News is an opportunity report and an opportunity itself. It refers to a record of an event that occurred over a specific period of time. An important part of the information is that it is nothing but an occasion where some kind of activity takes place. It is nothing more than a report describing, highlighting, or recording the activity. The news is written in full. There should be a crowd or a group of readers. The image of which should be projected on paper or on-air or on TV or on the other side of the movie screen. The news should provoke the beneficiaries or, if nothing else, some of them to think or act.

Definitions of News

Dictionary of Oxford defines this is the report about the latest incident or new information generated from any new activity.

A few examples of what makes news is given below:

 “A mad Dog could bite a man”. (Novelty)

Most of the people in big cities face Health and fitness issues especially in Karachi due to busy routines in jobs or business. (Local News).

Characteristics of News

The important characteristics of news are




Concise and Clear

Current and freshness

Sources of News

Small History of News and Journalism

Journalism is about collecting, sorting and distributing news.

Include feature stories and commentary - through a wide variety of prints and.

Non-print media outlets This is not a recent event, by any means

The earliest reference to a journalistic product comes from Rome around 59 BC,

When the news was recorded in a circular called Acta Deorna. It is enjoyed daily.

Posted and hung strategically throughout the city so everyone could read, or

For those who can read.

There are many media outlets for breaking news: newspapers in the eighteenth century, radio and TV in the twentieth century, and the web in the twenty-first century. Prior to the design of the printed machine, informal exchange was the primary source of information.

Although news recordings date back to the time of copyists, worldwide news began in the 19th century.

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