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Health and fitness

 What is the meaning of Health and fitness?

Heath and fitness mean people have perfect physical health. A person who has no disease or little bit issue means temporary disease, no injuries, and perfect mental health. All the above means a person lives actively physically. If anyone wants to be Health and fitness he joins a fitness club or gym or a morning walk for some exercise. Because exercise removes fat, and active muscle, releases stress and anxiety, down cholesterol, and after that, you can sleep peacefully.

How much exercise is needed for starting?  

You can start with a very low time such as just a minute. Because some exercise is better than none. This helps your body start active and become habitual. You can bear slowly and increase your exercise time day by day. Even then you reached half of an hour in a day and this is your target for live health and fitness.

What type of exercise do you need for a healthy and fitness life?

You can start exercise of any type just like walking, jogging, biking, exercise in the gym, or any type such as playing with kids. All type of exercise makes your heart fit and another part of the body also.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism means all things related to food in the body are turned into energy. Metabolism does not the same in all humans. Some have little and some have a faster metabolism than others. As age increases or becoming you older your muscle lose power and become weak. This becomes the reason of metabolism down. You can strengthen your muscle and metabolism with the help of exercise and healthy food.

What is cholesterol?

Is it Cholesterol disease?  

Cholesterol is not a disease. It is fat in all cells in your body. Cholesterol is available in all human bodies. But some cholesterol is good and some are bad. The body needs some cholesterol to digest food. The body needs some level of cholesterol. When cholesterol increase to its required level clots become in the blood. It disturbs all your body parts, especially the heart. Good cholesterol helps to build vitamin D. Which is important for bones.

Cholesterol symptoms and warning signs

The problem in breath such shortness.

Feel pain in the chest.

Feeling coldness in the body.

Pain in neck and back.

Why did the Cholesterol levels increase?

Cholesterol means bad habits. When anyone eats food and sleeps or set a long time. Food does not digest in the body and becomes fat in the cell. And this fat is called cholesterol.

How do reduce cholesterol in the body?

 Exercise is needed to burn fat and reduce excess calories. If you want to reduce cholesterol you need to focus on fruits and vegetables. Hydration for circulatory blood is most important and water help for hydration. More water means circulation of blood smoothly and fats decreased in the blood which causes cholesterol. Use garlic in any way which is easy for you. Almost every physician recommended garlic, lemon juice, honey, and ginger as herbal treatments for cholesterol.   

What is diabetes or sugar?

Diabetes or sugar means when glucose level reached high to its required level. Our body needs everything of food at such a specific level. When its level is breached some diseases affect your body. Sugar or diabetes is also like cholesterol disease. It is the next level of cholesterol. It is most dangerous if cannot cover it. If glucose increase in your blood it affects your blood badly.

Some Symptoms of diabetes or sugar

A Lot of urination comes, especially at night.

 Feel thirsty every time.

Losing weight without exercise or diet.

Dry skin.

Feel very hungry every some while.

Tired every time.

Why diabetes or sugar increasing in our body?

This disease increasing very fast all around the world. Because diabetes is a bad habit. Just like taking rest every time and not effort physically. This is why because this is technology time. Everything in your fingertip. You can do anything with no effort or a little bit of effort.

How to manage diabetes or sugar.

Diabetes manage easily with a little bit of effort. You can reduce it with the help of regular exercise. Healthy food such as fruits and vegetables as well as some medicine. But all the above things are regularly practiced because you can manage not to remove them in your body. Because diabetes changes the blood and we cannot eject blood into our bodies. We only manage it with the help of exercise, healthy food, and medicine.  

 What is Blood Pressure or BP?

Blood pressure means circulating blood not is the required speed. Blood pressure is high or low-speed circulation when we measure. Systolic when circulation is high and diastolic when blood circulation is low.

What is the normal range of blood pressure circulation?

120/80 or less than is normal range or level.

Why does blood pressure increase or causes it?

There are some reasons for blood pressure or BP to circulate high.

The first reason is tension, anxiety, stress, complexion, and mental disturbance are cause to blood pressure boost to its required level. The second reason is food. If you eat unhealthy food such as fast food, fried food, processed or frozen food, high salted food or snacks, etc. The third reason is some diseases such as sugar, cholesterol, or other diseases cause increase blood pressure.

How do we manage blood Pressure?

We can manage blood pressure easily. First, we start walking or jogging. We can also join a fitness club or gym for exercise. Manage your food such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid high potency, fry food. If you are healthy you can do anything in your life. Sometimes health becomes major hardens in your life. That is why most people agree that health is wealth.       


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