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Saltanat E Usmania (Osman Ghazi)

 Who is Osman?

Osman Ghazi and founder of Saltanat E Usmania was born 1258 AD. Osman was the son of a brave and great person Ertugral Ghazi who take a bold decisions for spreading Islam. Ertugral fights with all treacherous and enemy of Islam. He takes a risk most of the time with himself as well as all his family and citizen of qayi Kabila. Ertugral Ghazi was brave as his father Suliman Shah brave. Suleman Shah founder of kayi qabila and saltanat usmania see the dream of an independent country. And the country is base on Islam. Which come true to all his family members. The start of Qayi Kabila to much tough.

Osman Life

Osman was born when mangol led by hulagu khan spread all around the world and murder Muslims where they saw without any reason. In most Islamic countries Muslims murder by Mongol.  Major fight and battle of ottoman with byzantine. Byzantine is the state western portion of the Roman Empire. Today the Byzantine name is Istanbul. Byzantine is the most powerful entity during the Ottoman period. Ottoman fights with the byzantine and destroys them badly.

Osman Personal Life

When Osman was young. He get his religious training from Edebali who was the most popular Turkish Islamic scholar and Sufi. Sheikh Edebali was the old friend of Osman father Ertugral. Osman goes to sheikh Edebali as a guest much time. During this, he saw Sheikh Edebali daughter and select her as his life partner. Osman sent a message to Sheikh for marriage with her daughter. But Sheikh refused because he was Sufi and dervish life.

Osman Dream

Once Osman stays with Sheikh Home. He saw a dream that a shining moon come out to the chest of Sheikh Edabali and turned into a big as badr moon. This moon transfer into the chest of Osman. After that, a tree appeared from the chest of Osman. The tree grew and spread even then tree branches spread half of the world land. Tree branches or roots flowed and touched four great rivers of the world. Branches of trees support four great mountains. Suddenly strong air and wind blew. The leaves of the tree turned toward a continent. Even that this continent turns into a ring. Usman wishes to wear this ring. But his eyes were opened. In the morning Osman tells this dream to Sheikh Adebali. After listen to this dream Sheikh Adebali accept his message of marriage with her daughter.

The reality of Osman Dream

Sheikh and other later people described the dream as:  Four rivers are Nile, Tigris, Danube, and Euphrates. Four mountains are Mountain Toor, Mountain Qaf, Mountain atlas and Mountain Balkan. Later on, this dream comes true. Osman empire spread to these mountains and rivers. This dream is a signal of the size of the Osman empire from God.

Usman Battles

Usman gives tough time to the byzantine and releases most of the land from them. When the Seljuk empire saw Usman bravery they give power and ownership of Byzantine land. But Mongols defeat Seljuk and rolled over their land. This is the time when Osman become independent and start his great Osman Empire. Byzantine was very small and weak as compared to the world but still much powerful than Usman.  Usman starts planning of fights with the byzantine government. Usman fight with the byzantine with bravery and God gifted abilities and conquest most of the land from Byzantine. Usman start his government in this area and established many departments and work over it for the welfare of people.

In the history of Islam, the duration of Saltanat E Usmania was too long as compared to any other rule history family. This is the only capable of the Usman family to the role too much longer duration. It is said that Osman Ghazi died in 1324 or 1326 at Soghoot city. Before his death, Osman Ghazi advice was long to his son Orhan about justice and another part of the government.       

Osman Gazi

The founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman Gazi (born c. 1258) was an important figure in world history. His ancestors built an empire spanning three continents, lasting for centuries, and whose influence can be felt in the Middle East, Balkans, and beyond. His sons, Osman II and Osman III, also ruled parts of the region.


The Sultanate of Oman was founded in 1391, and the sultanate remained a family affair until the 17th century. The Sultan, Mahidevran, became a prominent figure in Ottoman history. His son, Sultan Mustafa, was born in 1519, and was named after his mother. He lived in Bursa for the next thirty years, and died there in 1581. Though Mahidevran and her son were able to live well and prosper, their sultanate fell into decline and a rivalry emerged between them. Regardless, she was loved by the populace and European ambassadors alike.

Osman II

Osman II is the son of Sultan Ahmed I (1603-17). His father had a strong dynasty. He was known as a king with the best of intentions. His first wife was of Greek, Evdoksiya, and Serbian descent. His mother was nurturing young Osman when her husband died. He was a poet and linguist. After his father died, he failed to capture the throne. As a result, his mother was exiled in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Young Turk Revolution

The Young Turk Revolution of 1908 was a constitutionalist uprising in the Ottoman Empire. In the wake of the suspension of the Ottoman Constitution in 1878, disgruntled members of the 3rd Army Corps in Macedonia resorted to violence. The Young Turks, organized by the Committee of Union and Progress, forced Sultan Abdul Hamid II to re-establish the Ottoman Constitution and recall parliament. They ushered in a new era of multiparty politics in the Ottoman Empire. The Young Turk Revolution also marked the end of the First Constitutional Era, a period of autocratic rule for two years.

Ertugrul Ghazi

The region is named after its first ruler, 'Uthman Ghazi. It was originally made up of Turks living in various tribes. The largest was the Qai tribe, ruled by Suleiman the Magnificent. The goal of his rule was to spread Islam throughout the area. However, it wasn't until his death that the area became a part of the Ottoman Empire.



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