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What is Web 3.0?


What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 means websites are decentralized. Web 3.O is the third version and the second version is web 2.0. It is the latest and updated version of web 2.0. The data in Web 2.0 controlled by some groups such as Amazon, Meta, Google, etc. Web 2.0 encourages people to connect socially with each other. These groups create massive data and content in these ways. These groups sell data and information without concern from the creator. This is a loss of privacy.  Web 3.O resolved these types of issues. People control their data in Web 3.0 as not possible in Web 2.0. Web 3.O has been revolutionary in the internet world. It's changed all over the internet.  

What are the future of the Internet and online business?

Web 2.0 made some people billionaires such as Facebook, Amazon, or Twitter owners. But Web 3.0 have a chance for all private companies and individual person. Web 3.0 technology built using blockchain technology. Blockchain means data stored in many systems as a backup. Data storage in blockchain means not only data store many systems in one country but almost all countries. If one country’s server or systems are down, the system can restore these types of data to other countries' systems. Datastore in blockchain cannot hack, steal, and sell without rights from the original person. If hackers hack one or some files and edit them blockchain ignores these hacked files and restores original files. This is the unique feather of blockchain.

is Gaming available in Web 3.0?

Gaming is part of Web 3.0. Users can interact and play games in a more advanced way. Privacy is also an issue in gaming but web 3.0 overcome this issue. Now games are user friendly. Gaming is a major business in the online business. That’s why Web 3.O focuses on it and works in a more advanced systematic way.

CryptoCurrency in Web 3.0

Web 3.0 technology is more advanced technology with the help of blockchain and NFT technology. These features make the more secure environment for CryptoCurrency. Almost all CryptoCurrency data shifted over Web 3.0 with the using blockchain. CryptoCurrency runs its business more smoothly and securely. in short, CryptoCurrency is become no 1 business in the world due to these technologies.    


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