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Online Earning


Nowadays online earning is a hot and more searchable topic. In this article, we will discuss there are many different ways to earn online.

Make Money with Online Blogging

This is the easiest, cheapest way to earn money online. Nowadays this is a trend to must establish a blog page on every site for traffic increasing and boost sale or achieve other purposes.

How many ways to earn money online with blogging?

There are two ways to earn online with blogging 1- Free 2-Paid


 Some sites are available in which to make Free ID and start writing content or blog such as Blogger.com and Medium.com. Every person searches or visits a blog or content paid as per visitor on the blog. This is most popular and famous for starting Freelancing or free online earning money.


We need a place and space where we write blog or content and visitor search and see our content and blog.

What is Domain?

Every place has an address and this address name is called a domain such as Www.Webpointservice.com addresses such as Street # House # and City. The domain is not free we must be paid some amount for a specific time such as month and years. Some sites provide free Domain with hosting offers.    

What is Hosting?

Every place has space such like we purchase a home on rent and rent base on place space like rooms or base on square feet (acres) same like hosting is space or cloud which some sites are provided storage space on their pc and charge on basis space (storage) provide.

Blog Monetization

When a person purchases Domain and hosting and writes some blog. Traffic starts on their site or post. Now he needs to monetize his site for earning money online. There are some ways to monetization:

Google AdSense 

Monetization site from Google AdSense is the free and easiest way to start earning online. Google AdSense is a business where businesses reached for advertising and sites reached for displaying their ads. Google charges from businesses and provides a commission to sites owners for a visitor seeing Ads and purchase products from their referrals. This is the largest business nowadays because there is no boundary or market. Internet is reached almost all over the world. This means someone purchases a product from anywhere through the online market and Google AdSense is the best to market. 

Google AdSense Features

There are some features or requirements for site monetization from Google AdSense.

There is no need for large traffic for monetization.

Quality and unique contests or blogs are requirements for monetization.

Copy and paste is not allowed for monetization.

At least thirty posts, unique posts are required for a monetization blog site.

Affiliate Marketing    

Affiliate Marketing is very popular nowadays. If you want to become rich in some times then work on affiliate marketing.

What is the meaning of affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing means that you hire someone officially to sell your product and against he gives you some commission, incentive, or bonus. As sales increase commission also increased.

Affiliates are middle man who contracts with some companies or persons online or offline and get a referral link, further he recommended to his audience to purchase when they purchase from their referral link he gets some amount as commission as advance he fixed with person or company. There are much more affiliate market sites, some of the best examples are below;

Warrior Plus





What are Affiliate Marketing ways?

What are the best channels to promote affiliate products?

When you get a referral link you need to promote a product.

Now a day’s popular ways for promoting products are here,


Create a YouTube channel and Make a demo video or found a demo video from your product creator. Upload in your channel and suggest they purchase from your referral link. When visitors clicks on your referral link, you get a commission of click or purchase.


Make a website himself or from some firms or person online such as WordPress site Wix Site or Blogger site and update data and referral links in website. The type of Website is blog or commerce. When someone searches his required data and reached your site and found ads or link and click or purchase, you get bonus or commission.

Google Pages.

Google pages are free of cost and everyone makes it easy. Create a google page and insert product detail and referral link. Google is a most searchable tool and is widely used in the work. You get sales on this plate form easily.


If you are a content writer then you made a sale using your blog. Most sites provide service free of cost to post your content or blog and when a visitor comes and reads if he reached on ads, your target is achieved.  


Email is also a good option for promoting an affiliate product. Every person must use mobile now a day’s. Every mobile configures with email. If you want to increase your sale must create Email. Brief about your product on email with decorating and beautifully and recommend or suggest them to purchase it. When a person opens the email and reads about the product. If your way is charming he purchased it either he required or not.

SaaS Platform

SaaS is a software, program. Some sites are providing services with using technology about traffic interest. SaaS get data from tracking customer such as what is the customer doing on the internet.  When you know your target crowd and channel you can easily create sales.  

Paid Service (Social Media)

Some sites provide service with pro or paid. They promote your referral link or data as you provide and get some fixed amount from you such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

You can promote your product himself free of cost on these social media but limited and difficult to reach your target.

PPC (Pay Per Click)

Sites are providing service with some changes. Anyone who visit or search PPC make ID with free or membership. Every site provides a link when some click on it. Both found some incentive.  

There are many more ways available and increasing day by day as technology changes or update. But we described best which are using now a day’s.


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