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How many types of sports are?


What is Sport?

Sports means physical activity, skill, and competition between individuals or teams. It’s also mean doing exercise for physical fitness and health. Sports also means a spirit of self-confidence, responsibility, and self-discipline for success in life.

What are sports benefits?

Sports save us from diseases, health problems and people enjoy a healthy life.

It is an opportunity to increase social networks because of close social interaction.

It provides an opportunity for learning about success in life.

Motivates individual as well as inspired.

Secure kid's eyes from TV and computer.

Mental health improved

It reduces crime.

Develop leadership skills and life abilities.

Economic growth by business investment and tourism.

Types of Sports


Two teams played cricket with each other. Which a team plays with bat and makes a score. Second team bowling with ball and field. The second team restricts score with assign over. After assigning over complete second team play with bat and chase score as first-team make the score.  


Two teams played a game with a stick and ball. Both teams have a goal location. They hit the ball and tried to goal. Whose goal is lead to another opponent will win the game.


Two teams having eleven players played a football game with a ball around. Players kick the ball and try to goal each other into the net goal


Two or four-player play a badminton game with racket and shuttlecock. Players make score by hitting shuttle from the racket.


Boxing is a game with two competitors. They try to hit each other and avoid each other. The competition divides into some rounds with a rest break.   


Archery is a game of shooting with an arrow to a target place.


Tennis games played two-player with each other into pair or single with racket and ball. A Ball that bounces over the net.  


Yoga means spiritual discipline and focuses on bringing mind and body together for a peaceful life. This means an exercise with some position and with deep breathing.    


Swimming is the game of arms and leg movement into the water. Individual or team swim race into the water through the body.


Baseball game of bat and ball played two teams with each other. A player throws a small ball at the other team player who hit with a bat and makes the score.  


Basketball play two teams with each other and each team have five players. Each team tries to goal to the opposition basket with a ball.

Car Racing

Cars are used for racing on specific road tracks with specified time and round. Whose car reached first on target position won the race

Bike Racing

The bike is used for racing on specific road tracks with a specified time and round. Whose bike reached first on target position won the race.

Bicycle Racing

Bicycle used for racing on specific road tracks and round. Whose bicycle reached first on target position won the race.

Horse Racing

The horse is used for racing on specific road tracks and round. Whose Horse reached first on target position won the race.


Billiards is a game which played two-player on the table with a counted number of color small balls and a long stick called a cue. The player hit the ball with a stick and try to send the ball into a pock. In this way, players make a score. Whose score is high will win the game?  

Body Building

Body Building means increasing your body and its muscle. Most people exercise bodybuilding to maintain health and fitness especially females. But it is also part of the sport in which competition of body.

 Ice Skating

Ice skating is a sports game in which players skate on the ice with some special shoes.

Judo and Karate

Two-player wrestle in the judo game and try to throw and push down in the ground each other. Karate is a game of attacking and striking techniques. A karate game is a fighting game.


Polo is a sports game involving horse riding and horsepower. Players hit the ball with long sticks over ridding and try to throw the ball into the goal.

Volley Ball

Two teams involving about six players played volleyball games. The Player uses their hand to hit and throw the ball over the net to another team player and the other team players return it back.


Wrestling is a physical competition game with two-player or pair team each other. Its means fighting and throwing down other players and gripping and joint locking for some while. WWE is the most famous game in wrestling.


Weightlifting is an athletic game in which players lift heavyweight in the shape of plates loaded into sticks. Whose player lift the heaviest weight wins the game.


Golf is a sports game in which a player strikes and hits the small golf ball with a specified stick. They try to throw the ball into a hole with some shots into the ground. The player who goal into the hole with the fewest strokes will win the game.

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