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What is religion


What is religion?

Religion means belief in a God or many gods. This is an organized system in which some rules, worship, belief, and ceremonies follow a person. Religion boosts us with hope when we are in trouble and fail in our life. Religion gives us hope to get up and move on. Every Religion stands on faith and belief. If anyone cannot have faith in God that he is and God will give us reward or handle our difficulties. He cannot trust religion or God.   

How many religions are in the world?

There are countless religions in the world. But an estimated 4200 religions are available in the world.

Which religion moving fast?

Islam is the world's largest religion. Which is moving and growing fastest.  

What is Islam?

There is only one God in the universe and prophet PBUH is the last prophet. All prophets sent by Allah called people that worship only one God. The meaning of Islam's word is peace. It means that Islam's purpose is to make world peace.

What is Christianity?   

Christians believe that all things in the world and all universe, as well as heaven, are made by one God. Christians believe that Jesus was the messiah of the world. But the reality is that Jesus is the prophet of God and the name is Prophet Isa ibn Maryam. Muslims also believe that they will return to the earth at the time of the near Day of Judgment.      

What is Hinduism?

Hindu beliefs in many gods. They have different traditions, cultural and social values. Hinduism has many religions. Because of many traditions and philosophies mixture. In Hinduism religion, a founder is not single. Hinduism has different beliefs that’s why many founders of Hinduism.

There is only one country where above 95 % of Hindus live India. There is only one country in the world of Hinduism. Most Hindus do not eat meat and its related food such as eggs or milk etc. Hindu worship has a unique name “puja”. Hindu places where they visit for puja are called “mandirs”.

What are the benefits of religion?

Religion provides people a structure and environment where the same group of people connects with each other with the same beliefs. Its impact on life as well as the mind is deep. Research shows that religion provides a positive impact on the mind. The mind becomes healthy and refreshed. If the mind remains positive then suicide, alcoholism, and drugs rate are the lowest. Stress is harmful to the mind as well as life. A stressful mind cannot enjoy a healthy life.   

Human inner strength improved. If inner strength courage and belief that to do things right.

Religion creates an ethical framework and culture. That’s why people live freely and understand each other.

The forgiveness message of religion promotes a peaceful culture.

All religions have almost some positive values. Some people or groups of people misuse the name of religion for its own benefits intentionally or unintentionally. Religion provides an inspiration to live a better life. Inspirations are most important for a successful man. Because a positive mind thinks more ideas for success.   

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