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What is the best definition of education?

Education means teaching to others or giving knowledge to others and receiving knowledge from others. The importance of education means if you can hard work for growing yourself. You can achieve anything in your life such as wealth, status, or any other things you want. Because the main purpose of education is to develop himself and this is an integral part of education. Education develops abilities such as physical, and cognitive as well as establishes belief and value. Education main thing to judge what is wrong or right. It can impact on person's positive as well as positive behavior.  

Education Types

There are three types of education

First is formal

Second is informal

Third is non-formal

Formal education

Education gets from school or institution by wearing proper uniform and attendance full time. Students learn from school basic teaching. After basic education, they go to colleges and universities for secondary and higher education. All kinds of formal teaching are given by professional and qualified teachers and professors. The fee paid by students and the salary paid to the teacher is part of formal education. Every degree has some specific time period of the day as well as year.  Formal education is subjected base. After completing formal teaching must receive a degree or certificate.

Informal Education

Informal education means learning from real life with some practice. This may be teaching parents how to ride a bike or run. Informal education has different methods and content. Sometimes people get informal education from reading books as well as from websites. some examples of informal education are learning children from their parents such as a numeric table. You are visiting a bank and need a bank account but don’t idea about opening a bank account and maintaining it.

You learn it from someone present in the bank who is a banker or friend. Informal education has no syllabus as well as timetable. This is a very long duration and process. This is not pre-planed. Certificate not involved as well as fee also not required. Because of learning from home, at work, from life, and from experience. You also learn from media, friends, and family members. This teaching learns any ware and any time. This means if you are busy with jobs or business in the daytime and have some time at the night. You can learn from informal education.   


Non-formal education means that someone needs jobs skill or basic skills for any business. This pre-planed and programmed education. Some organizations give that kind of teaching. This is school-equivalent education. Examples of non-formal education are:

A sports organization trained boys or people in sports such as swimming, cricket, hockey, or other sports programs. Fitness clubs or gyms provide some fitness courses. The vocational educational institute provides some courses such as computer courses, engineering courses, female clothing courses, etc. This is like formal education but the difference is. That kind of organization provides an adjustable timetable and syllabus. This is free of age limit. Some organizations provide certificates or not. This is based on teaching or job need.


All the above education types are played a vital part in life. Because everyone needs education knowledge every day and in every part of life. As your need, you get teaching from any type which is suitable for you. Only education is the difference between humans and animals. Whatever your environment you can learn if you want. Because everyone has not same or all facilities. Some boundaries and harden comes but need to tackle them wisely and planned.       


The purpose of education is also to help people to learn. Encouraging people to think about what they want to learn and what are they learning. It is also important for us to teach and help our community to explore new ways of learning to teach and encourage all to learn anything which is important for life.   

 Because this helps us gain knowledge, skill as well as experience which help us for growing career and life. Someone says that understanding and wisdom are greater than wealth or gold.

How we can achieve our success in education?

What are the steps for gaining education?

  • All of us wish to become successful in life. What of age in life or field of jobs and business everyone needs it to live happy and successful in life.
  • As a student or learner, your first priority is your studies. Family, friends, and relatives are important so manage time for them but not all time given them.
  • Time management and punctuality are most important for every student. This enables the student to do better and hard work in less time.
  • Participating in activities which conducting in school makes students better and more active. Question and answer in the classroom with the teacher clear student doubts as well as make a relationship between teacher and students.
  • A student in the classroom must pay attention to what the teacher teaches. This is important for the success of students in life.
  • Students trying to study in groups because two heads are better than a single. And in this way, students learn effectively.
  • Always remain confident and committed that you can do that. Because hard work is the most important for success.
  • One or more disturbance comes when your study. This only can remove with concentration and focus on your goal.
  • Do not compare yourself to others because everyone has some abilities and capabilities. This becomes sometimes discouraged for students.
  • Always learn from mistakes. This only happens when you admit a mistake. If you don’t admit it. You can do the same mistake again and again.


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