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Web Designing


What is meant by web designing?

Web designing means designing a website which displayed on the internet. It is developed with the help of some software or languages. The website should not create by robotic or automatic software. It is developed and design by users or humans from their experience.  

Complete procedure of designing a site.

The procedure of designing websites starts from the plan. Select the method such as software or language. Select themes or layout. Data selecting or creating depending on the type of sites such as sounds, videos, blogs, pictures, or much more. Let’s began step by step and we complete the steps and procedure for designing a site.

Plan for creating Website

It is the first step for creating a website. Plan means to selects what types of site you want to create. The most popular and trending sites today are Blogs, Music Stores, Videos Store, Business Stores, Travel and Tours Sites, News Sites, Social Media sites and etc. Let’s choose a Business site.  

Domain and Hosting

Choose your business name. Register your business from your desire Domain providing company. Business name or domain name such as www.amanzon.com. Domain fee or membership on the basis of monthly and yearly. It's depending on your capacity.

Hosting means a space or cloud proving some companies. Store your data on their PC after purchasing it. Membership or fee of hosting companies or sites on the basis of GB and time. Time means monthly basis or yearly basis. GB means gigabytes such as 100 GB or as you desire.

Method for web designing

The method means who creates a website. If you desire to learn about web design. And you have enough time for learning it and developing the site himself. That’s good. It’s so easy. WordPress providing services for their users to learn about developing websites free. WordPress providing some features free such as themes and plugins for starters or beginners. Who is new download them free and installed them and practice freely. I personally suggest for beginners go to YouTube channel listing free video courses for web designing and start their work free. When you learn enough and want to create sites for customers for running your business. It is most important to purchase some features such as themes or plugins for developing customer sites.        

If you do have not enough time but have some money. Now most of the sites providing facilities to develop websites. Some developers create their sites and providing services that are expensive. Some third parties sites hiring developers such as freelancers. Only need you to go to their sites draw requests such as tell them about your desire site and set price. Fiverr is a plate form that providing these types of services. Upwork, Freelancers, PeoplePerHour, Guru, and much more sites are providing these types of services. These sites hire developers as freelancers. Developer who is online and free. Accept your bid or price and providing the site after making the site.

Software for Web Designing

There are much more software are available for creating dynamic and attractive websites. We will discuss some of the softwares in detail here.


Almost above 37 % of sites are WordPress sites. Using WordPress software is easy and word wide. Its features are attractive. This software providing service paid as well as free. The free version is limited and paid versions are unlimited. It can run in your system locally without using the internet. You can also run it on the system online. It’s totally depending on your choice. For running locally you may install Xampp Software and WordPress after downloading it free from the internet. For more detail here is the link of a tutorial video of the complete course on WordPress. There are much more video of same types are available in Youtube. Its is your choice to select and learn about Wordpress.

WordPress Theme  

What is meaning of Themes?

Themes mean layout of sites includes files, styles, codes files and graphics. Theme shows overall appearance of websites. Themes can be customize as your need. You can change any part of site such as colors of background or fonts. Increased or decreased spacing and changes of graphics which look your site more attractive and responsive. Themes can be changed or updated easily.We will discussed only two themes here that are trending and its functionalities are most popular in word. There are much more themes are available on internet which are attractives and response. Only need you explore the internet and search as your need completed or whenever you are satisfied.

DIVI Theme

This is WordPress Theme. Most attractive themes and templates are available in DIVI theme. Customize is easy. It is not most expensive as compare to its features. You can change any part of site easily. Official address of site is here https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/ . You can go there site and learn how it’s simple and easy. When you learn about its functions you want to purchase it.

ASTRA Themes with Elementor

Astra themes providing huge range of templates. It is big opportunity for beginners to learn about WordPress site using of ASTRA themes. These template are pre made layouts. You can edit it with the help of Elementor. Elementor is a plugins. Detail about plugins and its functions are below  

WordPress Plugins

What is meaning of plugins?

 Plugins means update program without interpreting it. You need much more complex coding for changing program. You can easily add new function or edit existing function without coding. Plugins work are like add-on or extension. This can be used to addition some function in software which are not available in software by default.    




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